
What are you looking for?

Deciding which job role to go for is not an easy decision to make. A new job role can determine the rest of your career path and therefore very important. At YORIS Recruitment we take such decisions very highly and help assist you in searching the right match for you.  Our process is transparent, the candidate will be directly involved in each step of the selecting process and will always be informed of any developments.

When selecting YORIS Recruitment as your partner we will work on finding your ideal job profile. The role itself, daily tasks, the type of organization, the location, benefits, career development and your private situation (where relevant for the role) will all be taken in consideration on a personal level to find the right match for you.

Our mission at YORIS Recruitment is to know the candidate, set up the right profile where we look at previous career choices, experiences, motives and future expectations. This way we get a full picture of the candidate and are able to introduce you to the right organization. We advise on your current CV and help you into the right direction to boost your career. We always keep our information confidential and will only introduce you to an organization after a mutual decision.

The interview process

Our statement at YORIS Recruitment is; well begun is half done. We know the sector, we know the market, we can advise and prepare you for an interview with our portfolio of clients. We are therefore delighted to assist you in preparation for your next career move. You will be able to face challenges during the interview and increase your chances of getting the role. After the interview we have an evaluation process, discuss any improvements (if needed) and go through the next steps.


Project Managerr

Project Manager Are you a team player who loves to dream up new designs and figure out ways to make them work at work and at...

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Senior Design Engineer This is an exciting opportunity to join a retail manufacturer - we are looking for an experienced Des...

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